When things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you’re trudging seems uphill, when you’re feeling low and the stress is high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when worries are getting you down a bit… by all means pray-and don’t you quit. Success is failure turned inside out, God’s hidden gift in the clouds of doubt. You never can tell how close you are- It may be near when it seems so far. So trust in the Lord when you’re hardest hit… It’s when things go wrong that you must not quit!
-Author Unknown
We are getting ready for Christmas now! Only 13 more days. It's so hard to believe that it's really almost here. I remember when I found out I was pregnant. May 19th- I left work and rushed to the doctor's to cofirm what the home pregnancy test had already told me. As I sat there, amazed by the news, I remember the doctor telling me I was about 7 weeks along and would be due around January 7th. It seemed so far away. I was so excited and not really sure how I was going to focus on anything else for the next 7 months.
But here we are. It feels like a lifetime ago that I was sitting in the doctor's office. It feels like an eternity since I came home to tell Brandon the news. Even the 3D ultrasound we had in July and the 3 hour long conversation I had with Melissa afterwards seems like distant memories. Time has moved so fast yet so slow at the same time. We are the same people, yet so different. Spending time wondering about what could have been is a waste, logically I know this. But I still find myself doing it. Always at the most random times. I want to move forward but I want to stand still. Starting 2009 without Caleb is going to be heartbreaking, but I can't deal with the holidays one more minute longer than necessary.
We are prepared for the holidays though. We have most our shopping done. We decided to buy for as many people as we could this year. I find peace in Christmas shopping actually. It makes me feel normal. I think I might actually do some baking next weekend too! Someone please put the fire department on notice.

Thanks Jennie! I can't believe this is what November looks like in St. Thomas. I'm jealous.