If one truly has lost hope, one would not be on hand to say so. ~Eric Bentley
We received a call today from my OB/GYN's nurse. She said the doctor reviewed the genetic results and unfortunately, the tissue sample failed to grow and they were unable to run tests on it. So basically, we don't know if it was a genetic issue that caused us to lose Caleb. The final autopsy report is supposed to be out in the next couple of weeks and if that doesn't show the cause of death then we will probably never know.
I am going for an MRI next week so we can get a clear diagnosis on my uterine abnormality. Once the results are back from that and the final autopsy report is in, we will be sent to a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist for additional bloodwork and review. They may be able to look for indicators in our blood to see if there are any genetic conditions that future children may be prone to. I'm guessing we will have to wait until after the wedding, when we are both on the same insurance, for this to happen.
So, for now, we are just going to wait for the results of the MRI and autopsy and see what we find out. Eventually we will try again. I just hope that it's in God's plan to make us parents one day. As much we are trying to be at peace with the loss of little Caleb, it is still very difficult to walk by that empty room everyday. I can't wait until our home is filled with all of the sights and sounds of a baby.
You make me cry! I feel so bad for you! I dont know how you do it summer i sware i dont! I had Donivan so I had 2 go on with my life, but you dont have that...yet! I hope and pray that someday you will get to go threw the maddness of mother hood! And I will be there every step of the way! We have a bond that I'm sure nither of us wants but by gods choice its there! I'm here for you! ANd you should come visit, Donivan's attitude is sooo much better these days!
I wrote Caleb's name in the sand, too. :) If the picture doesn't show up, I included the link at the bottom. Please email me if it doesn't work. My email is hlycp@yahoo.com I would be happy to send you a poem in January! :) When is your due date? and do you know what kind of background you would like? I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Hi there,
I found your blog today. I just wanted to tell you I am so sorry about the loss of your little one. We lost our little girl in March. My heart aches with yours. If you ever need to talk please let me know. I have a lot of blood tests ran and we found out I have about 6different clotting disorders.
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